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- Websites - 

Designing and manufacturing interactive website The purpose of the website was informative presentation of the companys' service for organizing events, which swears by its unique graphic image, full of bright and vivid colors. Web page with eight subpages and a blog portal, which is regularly updated, was set up in Wordpress. I also took over the upkeeping of the website and SEO optimization, which proved itself with new  projects thanks to the website.

Client: Eventnika company


V sodelovanju z programerjem in postavljalcem spletnih strani podjetja Forward sva oblikovala prenovo spletne strani za gostilno Lectar. Glavni namen spletne strani je bila predstavitev ponudbe restavracije in nastanitve, ki je dodatna ponudba. Moja glavna naloga je bila oblikovanje žičnega modela, vizualne identitete strani na podlagi obstoječega materiala in posodobitev zastarelega koncepta z modernističnimi pristopi, ki bodo ohranili domačnost.

Naročnik: Agencija Forward d.o.o.


Zasnova in izdelava interaktivne spletne strani za butični studio refleksoterapije v lokalnem kraju. Vodenje in organizacije projekta in ideje od idejne zasnove naročnika do realizacije. Projekt je vključeval tako oblikovanje izgleda spletne strani kot samo postavljanje in SEO optimizacijo. Projekt je trajal eno leto, trenutno se stran še vedno redno posodablja in nadgrajuje po potrebi naročnika.   

Naročnik: Dagmar Podgornik


Zasnova in izdelava interaktivne spletne strani Namen spletne strani je bil informativna predstavitev storitve podjetja za organizacijo dogodkov, ki prisega na svojo unikatno grafično podobo, polno svetlih in živih barv. Spletna stran z osmimi podstranmi in blog portalom, ki se redno posodablja, je bila postavljena v Wordpressu. Prav tako sem pri projektu prevzela samo upravljanje in SEO optimizacijo, ki se je izkazala z novimi pridobitvami projektov po zaslugi spletne strani. 

Naročnik: Podjetje Eventnika

Spletna stran Eventnika_Mockup.png

Designing and manufacturing interactive website The purpose of the website was informative presentation of the companys' service for organizing events, which swears by its unique graphic image, full of bright and vivid colors. Web page with eight subpages and a blog portal, which is regularly updated, was set up in Wordpress. I also took over the upkeeping of the website and SEO optimization, which proved itself with new  projects thanks to the website.

Client: Eventnika company



Graphic design of the Inviti portal, search engine prototype with locations for organizing events. The project itself - biuilding a search engine- is currently still under construction and has been outsourced to a larger software company due to its size and complexity. My job was to come up with the designe, basic graphic image and to define layout of individual pages. I was also in charge of graphic presentation of instructions for using the portal.  

Client: Eventnika company

Spletna stran Inviti_Mockup.jpg

The mentione website is single page website with information about a workshop Legal formal aspects of event organization. The entire project has a legal basis, which was also the starting point for the selected color palette and other design elements, which are at the educational level. The website contains gallery, application form, reviews, opinions etc. It consists of differently colored sections that separate the whole page.

Client: Eventnika company

Spletna stran Pravno formalni vidiki organizacije dogodkov_Mockup.jpg


Coding of educational interactive websites with responsive design for mobile devices and tablets on the topic of interactive systems in cars. The website was made using HTML, CSS and Java coding languages. It includes interactive images, video content and tasks. I also designed all the icons for the website and  the layout of the page based on the main theme.

Client: Personal project

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